"Every day thousands upon thousands of women sweep up the dust which has gathered imperceptibly since the previous day.”

Christiane Peyre of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (1960-61)

"The housewife is immersed in everyday life, submerged, swallowed up; she never escapes it, except on the plane of unreality (dreams: fortune tellers, horoscopes, the romantic press, anecdotes and ceremonies on television, etc.)."

Henri Lefebvre, Clearing the Ground

This body of work explores the responsibilities and leisures completed within one's home. While we work for many different reasons, we have a specific cultural relationship to it given that we live in a work-based society. Indeed, many of us have a variety of work responsibilities in addition to numerous personal responsibilities, which are in fact, work.

These create structures that form our identities while providing hope, distraction, and a bit of frustration due to the tedium of repetition inherent in household labors. However, there is a sliver of uniqueness, albeit never-ending.

Through the act of collecting dryer lint as a means of examining and measuring daily activities, the invisible labor of the homesite is made visible to the viewer. At some point in the collecting, the act morphs into a love affair or a forensic examination of materials.